Do I need a GP referral?

No. An osteopath will be able to examine you within the scope of their speciality i.e. a muscular or skeletal disorder. However, there may be occasions where you will be referred to your GP for further investigations or tests. However it does no harm to discuss with, or tell your GP that you are being treated by an osteopath.

Do you work with private healthcare providers?

Yes, but generally, fees are payable on the day of treatment by the patient and reclaimed afterwards. Please enquire with your provider first to make sure you are covered.

If needed can I be referred for X Rays or Scans?

Yes, you can be referred directly for X Rays or MRI scans, but bear in mind that if done privately they can very be costly. In these situations it can be best to work closely with your GP and the services provided by the NHS.

How long does it take to get better, and how many treatments are needed?

First, please be assured treatments are kept to a minimum. How many are required depends on several elements, for example:

how long the condition/complaint has been present

  • age
  • overall health
  • lifestyle

This list is not exhaustive. Some patients return as needed, while others will need two or three treatments.

Some choose to visit on a regular basis thereby keeping conditions from becoming more troublesome – in some patient’s words, “my regular MOT”.

Remember, you don’t have to be in screaming agony to see an Osteopath –  sometimes a stitch in time really does save nine.

Is there anywhere to park?

Yes, there is room for two cars to park side by side on site, or you can park on the road – easy!

What should I wear ?

Something that you’re comfortable in! As with most medical examinations it is normal practice to remove some of your outer clothing, depending on the area involved. An Osteopath will likely need to visually and manually assess your spinal structures and area of pain, also palpation will probably be needed of muscular structures.  With regard to treatment, mostly, it is possible to cover everything else and leave the affected areas free to treatment.  I use large towels and lightweight blankets to maintain coverage and warmth, and this largely helps in the treatment process.

Osteopath, Physiotherapist or Chiropractor? - is there a difference and who is best?

I must confess to being biased here. There are common factors across all three professions, but I believe Osteopathy to have some unique merits.

If you need further information on Osteopathy it can found at:

Institute of Osteopathy – www.osteopathy.org
General Osteopathic Council – www.osteopathy.org.uk
National Council for Osteopathic Research – www.ncor.org.uk